It is exactly this idea that forces your hands to take cold iron and put it into the fire where it is heated up and softened, making it accessible and, by using precision hammer strikes, transforming its appearance. That is what we enjoy,...
It is exactly this idea that forces your hands to take cold iron and put it into the fire where it is heated up and softened, making it accessible and, by using precision hammer strikes, transforming its appearance. That is what we enjoy,...
By purchasing our product you will not get an impersonal, machine made product but, a unique piece of work created by hands of master artisan. You will get a product that was initially only an idea. A product bearing the imprint of its creator. His thoughts, visualizations, his precise work.
In 2003 I began to study at Art and Craft Training Institution of J. Peterka in Hodruša - Hámre with major focus on metal processing. In 2007 I finished my studies there and continued to develop my understanding and skills in metal work at the Art College in Hodruša - Hámre with major focus on metal engraving. I completed these studies in 2010. During my studies, I became devoted to metalwork. Since 2007 I have worked as an artisan blacksmith for Arts & Craft s.r.o., Žilina, where I dealt especially with metal processing, girdling and engraving works. From 2011 to 2013 I worked in similar position in a company called Sebmetal. In 2013 I changed my location and started to work in the studio of Art Blacksmith Mgr. Art. Igor Kaplan, in Bratislava, SK. Since 2007 I am a holder of certified Arts and Craft Metalworking - Specialization for Hammer Work issued by an Institute of International Education Society in LONDON,.UK. Since 2016 I have been awarded the Z-M1, Z-T3, Z-G1 welding course certificate.